
ICNGN 2023

Hangzhou, China | November 17 to 18, 2023

Welcome you to the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Next Generation Networks (ICNGN2023). ICNGN2023 was held as a hybrid event, with both online participation via Zoom and in-person attendance at Hangzhou, China on Nov. 17-18, 2023. It is glad to see ICNGN hybrid conference brought you an unforgettable and meaningful experience.

We are also pleased to have submissions and supports from a wide spectrum of academic institutions and universities; it has really been a difficult task to select the most representative papers. The evaluation of all the papers was performed based on the reports of anonymous reviewers, who are qualified within the related fields.

As an official conference supported by IEEE, ICNGN 2023 has been listed on the official website of IEEE with the ID 59831: https://conferences.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/conferencedetails/59831. The conference proceedings was successfully published and included in IEEE Xplore.

And we still have a great line-up of keynote & invited speakers including:
Prof. Kin K. Leung, Imperial College, London, UK
Dr. Yik-Chung Wu, The University of Hong Kong (HKU), China
Prof. Xiaojun Yuan, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Assoc. Prof. Yuanwei Liu, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
Prof. Mohamed-Slim Alouini, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
Prof. Yang Yue, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Prof. Academician Sergey V. Ablameyko, Belarusian State University, Belarus
Prof. Chengnian Long, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Prof. Tieyong Zeng, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong, China
Dr. Yishu Zhang, Zhejiang University, China
Dr. Jingfeng Zhang, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Mr. Ruiqi (Richie) Liu, Wireless Research Institute, ZTE Corporation, China
Dr. Xiaogang Wang, LIGHTSPEED STUDIOS, Singapore

Appreciated so much for their contributions and willing to share their new research developments in ICNGN.

ICNGN 2023 has been successfully held in online participation via Zoom and
in-person attendance at Hangzhou, China on November 17-18, 2023.
For more information about ICNGN 2023, please click here.


Prof. Kin K. Leung

Imperial College, London
IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow

Kin K. Leung received his B.S. degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from University of California, Los Angeles. He joined AT&T Bell Labs in New Jersey in 1986 and worked at its successor companies until 2004. Since then, he has been the Tanaka Chair Professor in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), and Computing Departments at Imperial College in London. He serves as the Head of Communications and Signal Processing Group in the EEE Department at Imperial. His current research focuses on optimization and machine-learning techniques for system design and control of large-scale communications, computer and sensor networks. He also works on multi-antenna and cross-layer designs for wireless networks.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (2022), IEEE Fellow (2001), IET Fellow (2022), and member of Academia Europaea (2012). He received the Distinguished Member of Technical Staff Award from AT&T Bell Labs (1994) and the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merits Award (2004-09). Jointly with his collaborators, he received the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Leonard G. Abraham Prize (2021), the IEEE ComSoc Best Survey Paper Award (2022), the U.S.–UK Science and Technology Stocktake Award (2021), the Lanchester Prize Honorable Mention Award (1997), and several best conference paper awards. He currently serves as the IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer (2022-23). He was a member (2009-11) and the chairman (2012-15) of the IEEE Fellow Evaluation Committee for the ComSoc. He has served as guest editor and editor for 10 IEEE and ACM journals and chaired the Steering Committee for the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Currently, he is an editor for the ACM Computing Survey and International Journal on Sensor Networks.

Title: Machine Learning for Optimal Resource Allocationin Communications Networks

Dr. Yik-Chung Wu

The University of Hong Kong (HKU), China
IEEE Senior Member

Yik-Chung Wu received the B.Eng. (EEE) degree in 1998 and the M.Phil. degree in 2001 from the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He received the Croucher Foundation scholarship in 2002 to study Ph.D. degree at Texas A&M University, College Station, and graduated in 2005. From August 2005 to August 2006, he was with the Thomson Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ, as a Member of Technical Staff. Since September 2006, he has been with HKU, currently as an Associate Professor. He was a visiting scholar at Princeton University, in summers of 2015 and 2017. His research interests are in general areas of signal processing and communication systems , and in particular Bayesian inference, distributed algorithms, and large-scale optimization. Dr. Wu served as an Editor for IEEE Communications Letters, and IEEE Transactions on Communications. He is currently a Senior Area Editor for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, an Associate Editor for IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, and an Editor for Journal of Communications and Networks. He was a TPC member for over 100 IEEE major conferences. He received four best paper awards in international conferences, with the most recent one from IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2020. He is a senior member of the IEEE.
Title: Parameter tuning-free matrix completion: A Bayesian approach

Prof. Xiaojun Yuan

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
IEEE Senior Member

Xiaojun Yuan (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, in 2009. From 2009 to 2011, he was a Research Fellow with the Department of Electronic Engineering, the City University of Hong Kong. He was also a Visiting Scholar with the Department of Electrical Engineering, the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA, in spring and summer 2009, and in the same period of 2010. From 2011 to 2014, he was a Research Assistant Professor with the Institute of Network Coding, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. From 2014 to 2017, he was an Assistant Professor with the School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China. He is currently a state-specially-recruited Professor with the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China. He has authored or coauthored more than 220 peer-reviewed research papers in the leading international journals and conferences in the related areas. His research interests include signal processing, machine learning, and wireless communications, including but not limited to intelligent communications, structured signal reconstruction, Bayesian approximate inference, and distributed learning. He was on several technical programs for international conferences. He was the Editor of IEEE leading journals, including IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and IEEE Transactions on Communications. He was the co-recipient of the Best Paper Award of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2014, the Best Journal Paper Award of IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing (TCGCC) 2017, and IEEE Heinrich Hertz Award for Best Communication Letter 2022.
Title: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided MIMO Communications: Challenges and Opportunities

Assoc. Prof. Yuanwei Liu

Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
IEEE Senior Member, Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher

Yuanwei Liu is an Associate Professor with the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London. His research interests include next generation multiple access, integrated sensing and communications reconfigurable intelligent surface, and near-field communications. His research attract over 20,000 Google Scholar citations. He is listed as one of 35 Innovators Under 35 China in 2022 by MIT Technology Review and a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher since 2021. He serves as an IEEE Communication Society Distinguished Lecturer, an IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Distinguished Lecturer, the academic Chair for the Next Generation Multiple Access Emerging Technology Initiative, the rapporteur of ETSI Industry Specification Group on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, and the UK representative for the URSI Commission C on Radio communication Systems and Signal Processing. He received IEEE ComSoc Outstanding Young Researcher Award for EMEA in 2020. He received the 2020 IEEE Signal Processing and Computing for Communications (SPCC) Technical Committee Early Achievement Award, IEEE Communication Theory Technical Committee (CTTC) 2021 Early Achievement Award. He received IEEE ComSoc Outstanding Nominee for Best Young Professionals Award in 2021. He is the co-recipient of the Best Student Paper Award in IEEE VTC2022-Fall, the Best Paper Award in ISWCS 2022, the 2022 IEEE SPCC-TC Best Paper Award and the IEEE ICCT 2023 Best Paper Award. He serves as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of IEEE ComSoc TC Newsletter, an Area Editor of IEEE Communications Letters, an Editor of IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, and IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. He serves as the (leading) Guest Editors for Proceedings of the IEEE/IEEE JSAC/JSTSP/Network/TGCN.
Title: Near-Field Communications: What Will Be Different?

Prof. Mohamed-Slim Alouini

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
IEEE Fellow

Mohamed-Slim Alouini was born in Tunis, Tunisia. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 1998. He served as a faculty member at the University of Minnesota then in the Texas A&M University at Qatar before joining in 2009 the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) where he is now a Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Prof. Alouini is a Fellow of the IEEE and OPTICA (Formerly the Optical Society of America (OSA)). He is currently particularly interested in addressing the technical challenges associated with the uneven distribution, access to, and use of information and communication technologies in rural, low-income, disaster, and/or hard-to-reach areas.
Title: Towards Extreme Band Communications

Prof. Yang Yue

Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
SPIE Fellow, IEEE Senior Member and Optica Senior Member

Yang Yue received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering and optics from Nankai University, China, in 2004 and 2007, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California, USA, in 2012. He is a Professor with the School of Information and Communications Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. Dr. Yue’s current research interest is intelligent photonics, including optical communications, optical perception, and optical chip. He has published over 260 journal papers (including Science) and conference proceedings with >10,000 citations, six edited books, two book chapters, >60 issued or pending patents, >200 invited presentations (including 1 tutorial, >30 plenary and >50 keynote talks). Dr. Yue is a Fellow of SPIE, a Senior Member of IEEE and Optica. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE Access and Frontiers in Physics, Editor Board Member for four other scientific journals, Guest Editor for >10 journal special issues. He also served as Chair or Committee Member for >100 international conferences, Reviewer for >70 prestigious journals.
Title: Machine-Learning-based Multiparameter Performance Monitoring for Optical Communications Channels

Prof. Sergey V. Ablameyko

Belarusian State University, Belarus
IEEE Senior Member, Fellows of IEE, IAPR, NAS, BEA, IAIPT, AE, SRAD and AAIA

Sergey Ablameyko (born in 1956, DipMath in 1978, PhD in 1984, DSc in 1990, Prof in 1992). He was a Rector (President) of the Belarusian State University (2008-2017) and now he is a Professor of BSU. He has more than 650 publications including 25 authored/co-authored books and 25 edited books. In his academic career he was a visiting scientist in Italy, Japan, Sweden, Finland, England, Germany, UK, Greece, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, China.
He was a chair/co-chair, member of Program Committees of numerous international conferences. He is in Editorial board of many international journals. His scientific interests are: artificial intelligence, computer vision, knowledge based systems, geographical information systems, medical imaging.
He is an Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician of Belarusian Academy of Engineering, Academician of Academy of Europe, Academician of Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors, Academician of European Academy of Economy and Enterprise Management, Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Russian Space Academy, Academician of Spanish Royal Academy of Economics and Finance, Honorary professor of universities in China, Russia, Vietnam, Serbia, Belarus. He is a Fellow and Vice-President of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association, Fellow of International Association for Pattern Recognition, Fellow of IEE (1995). For his activity he was awarded by State Prize of Belarus (highest national scientific award), Friendship Award of Russian Federation, Friendship Award of Zhejiang Province of China and many other national and international awards.

Title: Crowd behavior analysis in video by using optical flow and CNN

Prof. Chengnian Long

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
IEEE Senior Member

Chengnian Long is a tenured professor of Department of Automation, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is Deputy Director at Blockchain Research Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and adjunct professor at Intelligent Connected Electric Vehicle Innovation Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research interest mainly focuses on the Intelligent Connected Systems(ICS), including Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), Blockchain, and Distributed Autonomous System. He was the Editor of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Blockchain Technical Briefs and IET Blockchain. He is a senior member ofthe IEEE.
Title: Trustworthy Privacy-Preserving Computation for the Circulation of Data Factor Market

Prof. Tieyong Zeng

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong, China

Dr. Tieyong Zeng is a Professor at the Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Together with colleagues, he has founded the Center for Mathematical Artificial Intelligence (CMAI) since 2020 and served as the director of CMAI. He received the B.S. degree from Peking University, Beijing, China, the M.S. degree from Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Paris XIII, Paris, France, in 2000, 2004, and 2007, respectively. His research interests include image processing, optimization, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, computer vision, machine learning, and inverse problems. He has published around 100 papers in the prestigious journals such as SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Journal of Scientific Computing, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), IEEE Medical Imaging (TMI), and Pattern Recognition. He is laureate of the 2021 Hong Kong Mathematical Society (HKMS) Young Scholars Award, due to the significant contributions in mathematical imaging and data science.
Title: Real-Time Scene Recovery

Dr. Yishu Zhang

Zhejiang University, China

Dr. Yishu Zhang is a researcher of the Science and Technology Hundred Talents Program of the School of Micro-Nano Electronics, Zhejiang University. He graduated from Jilin University with a bachelor's degree in Microelectronics in 2014. In 2019, he received a doctorate in engineering from the Singapore University of Technology and Design, and later served as a postdoctoral researcher at the National University of Singapore. During his Ph.D. study, he was engaged in neuromorphic computing research at Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea and the Institute of Information and Communications in Singapore. The main research directions include the design and development of brain-inspired smart chips based on new memristive devices and biocompatible biological smart electronic chips. During his doctoral period, he designed and developed biologically similar ultra-low power artificial neurons and synaptic devices, laying a solid foundation for the realization of large-scale artificial intelligence chips. Relevant results have been published in top international academic journals such as Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Small and Applied Physics Letters. In the Singapore Industrial Symposium, the research results have won several poster awards from internationally renowned semiconductor companies such as AMD, MediaTek and STMicroelectronics. In addition, he won the 2019 National Scholarship for Outstanding Self-Financed International Students.
Title: Brain-inspired Computing with Emerging Memristors: Opportunity and challenges

Dr. Jingfeng Zhang

University of Auckland, New Zealand

Jingfeng Zhang is tenured assistant professor at the University of Auckland, and also a scientist at the “Imperfect Information Learning Team’’ in RIKEN-AIP. He serves as guest lecturer at the University of Tokyo in 2022-2023 and serves as main lecturer at the University of Auckland, giving machine learning related courses. He serves as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence. He is a long-standing reviewer for prestigious ML conferences such as ICLR, ICML, NeurIPS, etc. His long-term research interest is to build a secure and responsible ML environment.
Jingfeng is now PhD Accredited Supervisor at the University of Auckland, and actively seeking motivated individuals who are willing to pursue a PhD degree under Jingfeng’s supervision. Jingfeng is now interested in robust foundation models.
He obtained his Ph.D. degree at the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore. He was the PI of multiple grants, including “JST Strategic Basic Research Programs, ACT-X, FY2021-2023”, “JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), Early-Career Scientists, FY2022-2023”, “RIKEN-Kyushu Univ Science & Technology Hub Collaborative Research Program, FY2022”, and was a recipient of the RIKEN Ohbu Award 2021 (50 recipients each year in all RIKEN's disciplines).

Title: Towards Robust Foundation Model: Adversarial Contrastive Learning

Mr. Ruiqi (Richie) Liu

Wireless Research Institute, ZTE Corporation, China

Ruiqi (Richie) Liu (S'14-M'20) received the B.S. and M.S. degree (with honors) in electronic engineering from the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University in 2016 and 2019 respectively. He is now a master researcher in the wireless and computing research institute of ZTE Corporation, responsible for long-term research as well as standardization. His main research interests include reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, integrated sensing and communication and wireless positioning. He is the author or co-author of several books and book chapters. He has participated in national key research projects as the researcher or research lead. During his 3-year service at 3GPP from 2019 to 2022, he has authored and submitted more than 500 technical documents with over 100 of them approved, and he served as the co-rapporteur of the work item (WI) on NR RRM enhancement and the feature lead of multiple features. He currently serves as the Vice Chair of ISG RIS in the ETSI. He actively participates in organizing committees, technical sessions, tutorials, workshops, symposia and industry panels in IEEE conferences as the chair, organizer, moderator, panelist or invited speaker. He served as the guest editor for Digital Signal Processing and the lead guest editor for the special issue on 6G in IEEE OJCOMS. He serves as the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of IET Quantum Communication and the Editor of ITU Journal of Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU J-FET). He is the Standardization Officer for IEEE ComSoc ETI on reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (ETI-RIS) and the Standards Liaison Officer for IEEE ComSoc Signal Processing and Computing for Communications Technical Committee (SPCC-TC). His recent awards include the 2022 SPCC-TC Outstanding Service Award and the Beijing Science and Technology Invention Award (Second Prize, 2022).
Title: Reconfigurable intelligent surface enabled future network

Dr. Xiaogang Wang


Xiaogang Wang is a senior researcher in LIGHTSPEED STUDIOS, Singapore, where he focuses on applying computer vision techniques to design and generate 3D scenes. Before that, he was a senior engineer at Motional, Singapore, where he conducts BEV perceptions and HD map generation. Before joining Motional, he was a research fellow at National University of Singapore (NUS) from Oct. 2020 to Sep. 2021. Prior to that, he did his PhD in NUS from Aug. 2016 to Aug. 2020. He has published several top journals and conference papers, including IEEE TPAMI, CVPR, ICCV, etc. His research focuses on deep learning and computer vision, especially for 3D generation and reconstruction. He also serves as a reviewer for TPAMI, TNNLS, TVCG, TIP, RA-L, ICCV, ECCV, CVPR, IROS and ICRA.
Title: Advancing Point Cloud Processing: Novel Approaches to Upsampling, Completion, and Generation of 3D Data

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